International Journal of Hematology and Oncology 2024, Vol 34, Num 4 Page(s): 229-236
An Analysis of Polymorphism Lymphotoxin Alpha +252 A>G in South Indian Breast Cancer Patients

Karuvaje THRIVENI1, Anisha RAJU1, Girija RAMASWAMY1, S. Krishna MURTHY2, Rekha V. KUMAR3

1Kidwai Cancer Institute, Department of Biochemistry, Karnataka, INDIA
2Kidwai Cancer Institute, Department of Surgical Oncology, Karnataka, INDIA
3Kidwai Cancer Institute, Department of Pathology, Karnataka, INDIA

Keywords: Breast cancer, Inflammation, Polymorphism, Tumor necrosis factor
Cytokine tumor necrosis factor contributes to a wide range of functions like inflammation, immunomodulatory and apoptotic activities. Our aim was to investigate the association of plasma levels of lymphotoxin alpha (LTA) with polymorphism rs909253 at +252A>G in primary invasive breast cancer(BC) patients. A total of 146 patients and 150 age matched healthy controls were included in the study. Genotyping was carried out by polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism. Plasma levels were estimated by The MILLIPLEX® MAP Human Cytokine / Chemokine Panel magnetic bead kits. Data was statistically analysed by R software version 3.3.1. Plasma levels of LTA was significantly increased in cases when compared to controls. However, when levels was analyzed according to polymorphic subtypes there was no significant difference. The polymorphism was in consistent with the Hardy Weinberg(HW) equilibrium, showing X2 values of 2.3 (p= 0.13) and 2.02(p= 0.15) for cases and controls respectively. Odds ratio (OR) indicated that polymorphism was not significantly associated with breast cancer. Plasma levels of LTA were not altered due to polymorphism in patients and controls. Tumors of high- grade and hormone receptor negative cases showed higher frequency of the G allele, indicating that G allele patients may have worse prognosis. This study suggests that LTA +252A>G gene polymorphism is not a prominent risk factor for BC.