International Journal of Hematology and Oncology 2005, Vol 15, Num 2 Page(s): 042-045
Pituitary Gland Metastasis of Breast Cancer: A Case Report

Cigdem OZKAN1, Cagatay ARSLAN2, Mustafa K KILIC1, Mustafa ERMAN2, Kadri ALTUNDAG2

1Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Ankara, TURKEY
2Hacettepe University Institute of Oncology, Department of Medical Oncology, Ankara, TURKEY

Keywords: Breast cancer, Pituitary gland, Metastasis
Pituitary gland is an uncommon site of metastasis for malignancies. However, breast cancer is the most common primary metastasizing to hypophysis in women. It may cause hormonal problems in different patterns due to mass affect and invasion to pituitary gland. We present a 53-year-old woman with HER-2 positive breast cancer presenting with intermittent symptoms of diabetes insipidus and rapidly developing pituitary mass treated with transsphenoidal surgery and thereafter the recurrent lesion with cyberknife stereotactic radiotherapy and systemic chemotherapy.