International Journal of Hematology and Oncology
2024, Vol 34, Num 4 Page(s): 114-124
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Mine GENÇ1, Ufuk ERGUN2, Uğur SELEK3
1Selçuk Üniversitesi Meram Tıp Fakültesi Radyasyon Onkolojisi Anabilim Dalı, KONYA
2Ankara Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Nöroloji Kliniği, ANKARA
3Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Radyasyon Onkolojisi Anabilim Dalı, ANKARA
Keywords: Brain injury, Radiotherapy, Treatment
Radiation-induced norotoxicity is a rare but serious complication. Although primary target cells are endothelial and glial cells, radiation-induced norotoxicity is thought to result from complex dynamic interactions between parenchymal and vascular cells within the central nervous system. Despite advances in imaging techniques, diagnosis of radiation necrosis remains as a challenge and definite diagnosis requires histopathological examination. Some cases show improvement after surgical resection. Corticosteroids are used both in prophylaxis and treatment. Currently, there are studies going on investigating the effects of many agents including growth factors and stem cells on prophylaxis and treatment of radiation-induced norotoxicity.
Mine GENÇ1, Ufuk ERGUN2, Uğur SELEK3
1Selçuk Üniversitesi Meram Tıp Fakültesi Radyasyon Onkolojisi Anabilim Dalı, KONYA
2Ankara Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Nöroloji Kliniği, ANKARA
3Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Radyasyon Onkolojisi Anabilim Dalı, ANKARA
Keywords: Brain injury, Radiotherapy, Treatment
Radiation-induced norotoxicity is a rare but serious complication. Although primary target cells are endothelial and glial cells, radiation-induced norotoxicity is thought to result from complex dynamic interactions between parenchymal and vascular cells within the central nervous system. Despite advances in imaging techniques, diagnosis of radiation necrosis remains as a challenge and definite diagnosis requires histopathological examination. Some cases show improvement after surgical resection. Corticosteroids are used both in prophylaxis and treatment. Currently, there are studies going on investigating the effects of many agents including growth factors and stem cells on prophylaxis and treatment of radiation-induced norotoxicity.
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