International Journal of Hematology and Oncology
2024, Vol 34, Num 4 Page(s): 153-160
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Clinical Course of Covid-19 in Hematological Disorders
Memis Hilmi ATAY1, Muhammed OKUYUCU2, Yusuf Taha GULLU3, Nazmiye Tibel TUNA3, Heval Can BILEK4, Esra TANYEL4, Özlem TERZI5, Mehmet TURGUT1
1Ondokuz Mayis University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Hematology, Samsun, TURKEY
2Ondokuz Mayis University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Samsun, TURKEY
3Ondokuz Mayis University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Samsun, TURKEY
4Ondokuz Mayis University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Infectious Diseases, Samsun, TURKEY
5Ondokuz Mayis University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Public Health, Samsun, TURKEY
Keywords: Hematological disease, Covid-19, Chronic disease, Treatment, Mortality
Hematology patients are extremely vulnerable to COVID-19 infection due to the immunosuppression arising from the direct effect of the disease and the medicines administered. Our purpose is to analyze the results of the patients that both have a hematological disease and receive treatment for COVID-19 infection in our hospital. Four hundred COVID-19 positive patients that received inpatient treatment between March 12, 2020 and October 1, 2020 in our center and got a diagnosis by using real -time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) test were scanned retrospectively. Eighty one patients were included in the study. Nineteen patients had a hematological disease; 62 had a chronic disease but didn’t have a hematological disease. We found that the group with hematological disease had a high level of ferritin (p= 0.0001). While the use of steroids in COVID-19 treatments is more frequent in the group with hematological disease (p= 0.01), the use of LMWH (low molecular weight heparin) is more frequent in the group with no hematological diseases (p= 0.02). Intensive care treatment and mechanical ventilatory support were required more for the patients with hematological disease than the others (p= 0.03. p= 0.008). While the mortality rate is 42.1% in the patients with hematological disease, it is 9.7% in the patients with chronic disease (p= 0.003). In cox regression analysis, the study found that hematological diseases (HR: 4.02, 95% CI: 1.7-1844.5, p= 0.02), cardiac diseases (HR: 2.28, 95% CI: 1.2-77.9, p= 0.03), and intensive care treatment (HR: 4.60, 95% CI: 3.1-3115.0, p= 0.009) are significant risk factors. Hematological patients infected with COVID-19 have a more severe and mortal clinical manifestation than the patients with other chronical disease.
Memis Hilmi ATAY1, Muhammed OKUYUCU2, Yusuf Taha GULLU3, Nazmiye Tibel TUNA3, Heval Can BILEK4, Esra TANYEL4, Özlem TERZI5, Mehmet TURGUT1
1Ondokuz Mayis University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Hematology, Samsun, TURKEY
2Ondokuz Mayis University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Samsun, TURKEY
3Ondokuz Mayis University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Samsun, TURKEY
4Ondokuz Mayis University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Infectious Diseases, Samsun, TURKEY
5Ondokuz Mayis University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Public Health, Samsun, TURKEY
Keywords: Hematological disease, Covid-19, Chronic disease, Treatment, Mortality
Hematology patients are extremely vulnerable to COVID-19 infection due to the immunosuppression arising from the direct effect of the disease and the medicines administered. Our purpose is to analyze the results of the patients that both have a hematological disease and receive treatment for COVID-19 infection in our hospital. Four hundred COVID-19 positive patients that received inpatient treatment between March 12, 2020 and October 1, 2020 in our center and got a diagnosis by using real -time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) test were scanned retrospectively. Eighty one patients were included in the study. Nineteen patients had a hematological disease; 62 had a chronic disease but didn’t have a hematological disease. We found that the group with hematological disease had a high level of ferritin (p= 0.0001). While the use of steroids in COVID-19 treatments is more frequent in the group with hematological disease (p= 0.01), the use of LMWH (low molecular weight heparin) is more frequent in the group with no hematological diseases (p= 0.02). Intensive care treatment and mechanical ventilatory support were required more for the patients with hematological disease than the others (p= 0.03. p= 0.008). While the mortality rate is 42.1% in the patients with hematological disease, it is 9.7% in the patients with chronic disease (p= 0.003). In cox regression analysis, the study found that hematological diseases (HR: 4.02, 95% CI: 1.7-1844.5, p= 0.02), cardiac diseases (HR: 2.28, 95% CI: 1.2-77.9, p= 0.03), and intensive care treatment (HR: 4.60, 95% CI: 3.1-3115.0, p= 0.009) are significant risk factors. Hematological patients infected with COVID-19 have a more severe and mortal clinical manifestation than the patients with other chronical disease.
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