International Journal of Hematology and Oncology
2024, Vol 34, Num 4 Page(s): 195-204
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Problematic Areas Related to Sexual Life of Individuals with Gynecological Cancer: A qualitative Study in Turkey
Gul PINAR1, Tevfik PINAR2, Ayse AKALIN1, Tulay SAYDAM3, Ali AYHAN3
1Yildirim Beyazit University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing, ANKARA / TURKEY
2Hacettepe University, Institute of Public Health, Ankara, TURKEY
3Tulay Saydam, RN, BSN, Baskent University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Gyne-Oncology, Ankara, TURKEY
Keywords: Gynecological cancer, Sexual health, Qualitative study, Turkey
This study was conducted to examine problematic areas related to sexual life of individuals with gynecological cancer. Qualitative phenomenological research design was used in the study. The data were collected through “Semistructured In-depth Interview Form” and “Individual Information Form” with 30 women diagnosed with gynecological cancer. In-depth interview technique was used for obtaining data related to sexual problem areas of women. The data obtained were evaluated by content analysis. Average age of women who participated in the study was 46.70±10.66 (min=30, max=67), and women who were followed for the diagnosis of endometrium cancer (53.3%), ovarian cancer (36.7%), cervical cancer (10%). It was determined that there were significant changes in sexual lives of the individuals following the illness, and that body image, role of sexuality, sexual functions and reproduction ability, which are the four important components of sexual health, were affected unfavorably to a great extent. It was determined in this study that individuals with gynecological cancer face multidimensional problems regarding sexual life. Adoption of holistic approach by health professionals in the evaluation of sexual problems of women and attempting to solve the problem are of significance.
Gul PINAR1, Tevfik PINAR2, Ayse AKALIN1, Tulay SAYDAM3, Ali AYHAN3
1Yildirim Beyazit University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing, ANKARA / TURKEY
2Hacettepe University, Institute of Public Health, Ankara, TURKEY
3Tulay Saydam, RN, BSN, Baskent University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Gyne-Oncology, Ankara, TURKEY
Keywords: Gynecological cancer, Sexual health, Qualitative study, Turkey
This study was conducted to examine problematic areas related to sexual life of individuals with gynecological cancer. Qualitative phenomenological research design was used in the study. The data were collected through “Semistructured In-depth Interview Form” and “Individual Information Form” with 30 women diagnosed with gynecological cancer. In-depth interview technique was used for obtaining data related to sexual problem areas of women. The data obtained were evaluated by content analysis. Average age of women who participated in the study was 46.70±10.66 (min=30, max=67), and women who were followed for the diagnosis of endometrium cancer (53.3%), ovarian cancer (36.7%), cervical cancer (10%). It was determined that there were significant changes in sexual lives of the individuals following the illness, and that body image, role of sexuality, sexual functions and reproduction ability, which are the four important components of sexual health, were affected unfavorably to a great extent. It was determined in this study that individuals with gynecological cancer face multidimensional problems regarding sexual life. Adoption of holistic approach by health professionals in the evaluation of sexual problems of women and attempting to solve the problem are of significance.
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