International Journal of Hematology and Oncology
2024, Vol 34, Num 4 Page(s): 199-202
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Abdullah BÜYÜKÇELİK 1, Ahmet DEMİRKAZIK 1, Bülent YALÇIN1, Özden ŞENER2, Güngör UTKAN1, Gökhan TULUNAY3, Fikri İÇLİ 1
1Department of Medical Oncology, Ankara University School of Medicine, Ibni Sina Hospital, ANKARA
2Department of Neurology, Ankara University School of Medicine, Ibni Sina Hospital, ANKARA
3Department of Gynecology and Obstetric, Social Security Hospital, ANKARA
Keywords: Ovarian Cancer, Neurologic paraneoplastic syndrome, Chemotherapy
Neurologic paraneoplastic syndromes are rare in patients with ovarian cancer. These syndromes may point out an occult or relapsed disease. The management of the majority of neurologic paraneoplastic syndromes is difficult because no standard treatment is available but some type of them may subside with the treatment of underlying cancer. We present a case of neurologic paraneoplastic syndrome as a first symptom of relapsed ovarian cancer. However, we could not specify the syndrome with its clinical features and electrophysiological study. It subsided greatly following the cytotoxic chemotherapy for ovarian cancer and re-occured with the appearance of resistance to chemotherapy.
Abdullah BÜYÜKÇELİK 1, Ahmet DEMİRKAZIK 1, Bülent YALÇIN1, Özden ŞENER2, Güngör UTKAN1, Gökhan TULUNAY3, Fikri İÇLİ 1
1Department of Medical Oncology, Ankara University School of Medicine, Ibni Sina Hospital, ANKARA
2Department of Neurology, Ankara University School of Medicine, Ibni Sina Hospital, ANKARA
3Department of Gynecology and Obstetric, Social Security Hospital, ANKARA
Keywords: Ovarian Cancer, Neurologic paraneoplastic syndrome, Chemotherapy
Neurologic paraneoplastic syndromes are rare in patients with ovarian cancer. These syndromes may point out an occult or relapsed disease. The management of the majority of neurologic paraneoplastic syndromes is difficult because no standard treatment is available but some type of them may subside with the treatment of underlying cancer. We present a case of neurologic paraneoplastic syndrome as a first symptom of relapsed ovarian cancer. However, we could not specify the syndrome with its clinical features and electrophysiological study. It subsided greatly following the cytotoxic chemotherapy for ovarian cancer and re-occured with the appearance of resistance to chemotherapy.
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